This week, we'll be working on making our stories clear and understandable, by telling them in sequence. In reading, we will focus on thinking about what word would make sense when we get stuck reading because "sounding it out" doesn't work all the time. We'll also practice retelling some of our stories, making sure to include the important parts of the story. This will help us understand what we should be paying attention to in a story. Both of these skills will be something we practice a lot throughout the year.
Please remember that reading to you child is extremely important. Modeling for your child with expression and sharing what you are thinking will truly set your child up for success later on. Thank you so much for your support!
Our take-home book program will begin today! Please remember to initial and return the books after you have read them so that your child can bring home new books. Thank you for reading with your child each night at home. It is extremely important!
In math this week we will...
This week in science we will be learning about animals that we see in the fall. We will be learning about these animals by reading non-fiction stories and using an online resource called Pebble Go.
Our class earned five tally marks and they voted for a pajama day. Your child can wear their pajamas to school this Thursday!
- Use dominoes to estimate the number of dots and compare quantities using <, > and = symbols.
- Use dominoes to find total number of dots. We will use counting strategies including instant recognition of small quantities (subitizing), counting on, making 10 and working from a known sum to one that is less familiar. We will play a game called "Domino Top Draw".
- Write addition equations using dots on a domino.
- Read a story titled, Domino Addition, by Lynette Long.
- Practice writing numbers 9 and 10.
Our class earned five tally marks and they voted for a pajama day. Your child can wear their pajamas to school this Thursday!
Special Points of Interest
- September 30- "Take Home" books will be sent home
- October 2- Walking School Bus
- October 3 - Pajama Day - Classroom Incentive
- October 4- No School
- October 7- Math homework due (because of short week)
- October 14- PTO Meeting (7:00 pm)
- October 16- Dining for Dollars- Even and Odds Pizza
- October 18- Box Top Turn In Day
- October 30- Picture Retakes
- October 31- Halloween Parade (3:00 pm)
- November 1- End of first quarter- No School