Last week we worked on book recommendations, and now we're going to begin focusing on toy recommendations! We will work on our first one this week and we will learn how to include what we like about the toy, how to write an interesting beginning and we'll focus on punctuation and capitalization. We are having lots of fun as we think about our opinions!
We will be sharing one of our book recommendations with a student from Ms. Wipperfurth's class on Thursday. The kids are looking forward to partnering up with students from another class!
We will be focusing on blends this week in our word work center, read around the room, and a few other centers/activities. The kids have been putting a lot of their center work on Seesaw! I hope you're enjoying seeing all of their hard work. Make sure to ask your child if a picture of their work doesn't make sense to you. It is a great way for them to verbalize their learning. :-)
This week in math, we will...
- Count forward and backward by 5s and 10s within 100 on a number line.
- Learn a new Math Work Place called Frog Path.
- Practice counting forward and backward by 10s on and off the decade using a number line. We will race on a number line making hops of 1, 5 and 10.
- Learn about animals' adaptations during winter.
We will be watching The Polar Express and having our Holiday party on Friday. The kids are so excited! Again, thank you to all of the generous parents who are donating food or items for our special day! I greatly appreciate it!
If you haven't sent in a book for our exchange or The Polar Express permission slip, please do so ASAP! Thank you!
Reminders and Upcoming Events:If you haven't sent in a book for our exchange or The Polar Express permission slip, please do so ASAP! Thank you!
- December 20- Polar Express Day/Book Exchange- Wear Pajamas
- December 23-January 1- Winter Break
- January 13- PTO Meeting (7:00 pm)
- January 16- Field trip to Skateland
- January 20- No School- Professional Development
- January 24- Family Wellness Night
I hope you have a wonderful winter break and a Happy New Year! Enjoy spending time with your family!
See you in 2020!
See you in 2020!