January 2nd, 2024
This week in literacy, we will…
Distinguish long e and short e vowel sounds.
Know the vowel team sound-spellings ee, ea, and silent e.
Read irregularly spelled words (find, around, under, wash).
Identify the elements of a sentence and review the use of different end marks.
Read and form short e words with the spelling ea.
Read a poem titled, The Snowball.
Read a book titled, Lots of Snow by Joan Silver. We will use the events of the story to predict what will happen next. We will also discuss the problem in the story and share our opinions about how the characters might solve it. Additionally, we will recognize contractions and compound words in the text.
Participate in Heggerty Phonemic Awareness lessons.
This week in writing, we will…
Write about our winter break
Continue working on our handwriting journals
This week in math, we will….
Learn about Penguins and Antarctica
Read and write numerals to 120
Compare pairs of 2-digit numbers
Measure different breeds of penguins and compare and contrast
Add and subtract 10 from any given number, etc 37+10= 47
Organize, represent, and interpret data with up to three categories; ask and answer questions about the total number of data points, how many in each category, and how many more or less are in one category than in another
This week in social studies we will….
Finish our unit on Communities by creating a flip book describing where we live
Review our PBIS school wide expectations
Important Dates to Remember!
January 2 - Return to school, PJ day!
January 15 - No school, MLK day
January 18 - Last day of 2nd Quarter!
January 19 - No school - Professional Development Day for Teachers