Monday, January 13, 2014

January 13th Newsletter

Dear Parents and Guardians,

This week in reading we are going to focus on the characters and the setting of the stories that we read.  Due to the short week last week, we will continue reading and writing about Arctic animals.  We are also going to be learning about contractions and triple consonant sounds, as in scr, spl, and str.  Our chunk of the week is –ide as in hide.

This week we will be introducing addition of two digit numbers.  The children will be using base-ten blocks to find the total weight of pairs of animals.  We will be playing Shaker Addition Top-it to practice our addition facts.  We will also be practicing with more than and less than number stories that involve addition and subtraction.  Look for Home Links 5.5, 5.6, 5.7, and 5.8.

Scholastic book orders are due this Friday, January 17th.  You can go online to order and type in the Online Code: JBVLX, or you can send the order form and money to school with your child

Special Points of Interest
  • The Science Fair open house is this Thursday, January 16th at 6:30
  • No school on Friday, January 24th.  It is the end of second quarter and teacher record day.
  • I hope you enjoyed your extra long weekend last week with your children!  Please remember to dress your children for recess!

Alex is this week's star of the week!

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