Monday, February 3, 2014

February 3rd Newsletter

Dear Parents and Guardians,

This week in reading we will be working on comparing and contrasting.  We will be looking for things in the stories that we read that are alike and different.  We will also be revisiting compound words.  Additionally, we will be focusing on the sound ay and ai as in the words bay and mail.

In math, the children will continue to use the Addition/Subtraction Facts Table to solve subtraction problems.  We will also be learning about the centimeter as a unit of measure.  We will learn about fact families using fact triangles.  Fact triangles will be coming home this week with a parent letter explaining how to use them.  Please keep these fact triangles at home for practice.  Look for Home Links 6.3, 6.4, 6.5, and 6.7 to come home this week. 

We will be celebrating the 100th day of school Friday.  We will have fun exploring different activities using the number 100.

Last week we made predictions as to whether the groundhog would see his shadow or not.  Will we have six more weeks of winter or will we have an early spring?
Scholastic book orders are due next Friday, February 14th. You can go online to order and type in the Online Code: JBVLX, or you can send the order form and money to school with your child

Special Points of Interest
  • MAPS testing cotninues this week.  We will finish our reading MAPS test on Tuesday and we will begin our Math MAPS test on Thursday.
  • Valentine's Day classroom parties are on Friday, February 14th at 2:30
  • I hope to see you at the Thorson Winter Carnival is this Saturday, February 8th from 11:00-3:00
  • Reminder:  Read to Succeed Reading Logs are due on Friday, February 14th, if your child is participating

Tess is this week's star of the week!

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