Monday, January 26, 2015

January 26th Newsletter

Dear Parents and Guardians,

As we start the third quarter, I would like to thank all of your for all of the reading you have been doing at home with your child.  It has been amazing to see the growth in reading from the beginning of the year until now.  This wouldn't happen without all of the practice outside of school!  Reading every day reinforces so many important reading and writing skills.  Thank you so much for all of your support!

This week in guided reading we will be working on drawing conclusions.  The students will practice listening for details and after each detail they will be asked to draw a conclusion.  We are also going to focus on the sound of u as in the word cute.

During third quarter we will be working on story writing.  The students will start to practice this skill by planning a story that includes all of the parts (characters, setting, problem, solution, etc.) we talk about in reading.  Please help your child at home by encouraging their interests and imagination by coming up with ideas for a story they may want to write.

In math, we are going to use our addition and subtraction math facts in order to figure out “What’s My Rule?” problems.  We will also continue learning about fact families and name collection boxes.  Look at the parent letter for further explanation on the "What's My Rule?" problems and Home Links 5.12 and 5.13 (back to back) to come home this week in a packet.

Remember to keep practicing addition and subtraction facts at home.  This quarter, we will be doing addition and subtraction facts to 16.  Please continue to practice these facts at home with your children.  Flashcards are a great way to help your child become faster with their facts.  There are also a lot of fun resources on the Thorson website that help with addition and subtraction, a good one to check out is “Math Bingo” on is another great resource and a fun way for the children to practice their math facts!  If you would like extra sheets to practice with, please let me know and I will be happy to send them home.

This quarter we will be doing geometry.  Problem solving, money, time, and counting to 120 starting at any number are skills we continually work on in math.

Special Points of Interest
  • Family Wellness Night is this Friday from 5:30-8:00
  • Valentine's Day classroom parties are on Friday, February 13th - look for more information in the near future
  • Save the Date - The Thorson Winter Carnival is on Saturday, March 7th from 11:00-3:00

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