Dear Parents and Guardians,
This week we'll get started with guided reading, now that we have learned how to do each of our centers. Our centers have become one of the favorite parts of our day. During this time students are reading independently or with a buddy, or with a small group. In some centers we read with big pointers and in some we're reading the poems we learn during shared reading. A favorite is the listening center, where students use iPads and their headphones to listen to a variety of picture books, which are changed monthly. We're also doing some word work, some free writing, and even some art! Often we will be illustrating pieces of writing we did as a whole group and either creating a big book or hanging them in the hallway to share.
This week in math we will...- Use strategies to add within 20 using dominoes.
- Solve number puzzles called Magic Squares. The children will use two dominoes arranged one above the other to form two rows and two columns of dots. We will find the sums of both rows across and both columns down, then we will add the results of the rows and the results of the columns. We will observe that the sums are the same. Magic!!
- Explore fact families using dot cards.
- Write fact family equations, and write story problems for our equations.
- Play a game called Sort the Sum during Math Work Places.
This week we will learn and write about animals that we see in the fall. We will learn more about what it means when animals migrate, hibernate, and adapt and some of the animals that do these things to prepare for winter.
Special Points of Interest
- Friday, October 11th - Jaguar Jumpstart - wear Thorson spirt wear or blue
- October 14 - PTO Meeting at 7:00 pm
- Book Orders are due on Friday, October 18th. Shop Online: scholastic.com/readingclub Class Activation Code: JBVLX
- Friday, October 18th - Box Tops Turn In Day!
- Wednesday, October 30th - Picture Retake Day
- October 31 - Halloween Parade
- November 1 - End of 1st Quarter - No School
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