Dear Parents and Guardians,
This week we are analyzing some of the poetry we've been reading about different animals and places. We are learning about different tricks or tools poets use to make their poems more fun or more interesting! We will also be learning about alliteration and rhyming and we are using these tricks to get started writing our own poems in writing center this week!
If you're thinking about ordering from Scholastic this month, maybe choose a poetry book! Poetry is excellent for vocabulary, comprehension and fluency! Your child will love learning to recite a favorite poem with you!
If you're thinking about ordering from Scholastic this month, maybe choose a poetry book! Poetry is excellent for vocabulary, comprehension and fluency! Your child will love learning to recite a favorite poem with you!
We are focusing a lot on vowels in reading right now. Short and long vowels can be very difficult for kids. It would be great if you could notice words on signs while driving or in stores, and just ask, "Hmm, is that a short vowel or a long vowel?" This week we are learning about consonant- vowel- consonant (or CVC) words and CVCe words (words with silent e). These words are everywhere! Maybe you could find 2 of each, AFTER reading the book that comes home, or any book really! That would really help!
We will continue working on our Community Writing narrative piece about polar bears. The students are having a lot of fun creating a class book that will be added to our big book center when we are finished! Additionally, we will be continuing our own narrative writing pieces about the animal of our choice during Writer's Workshop. The students are doing a fabulous job with this!
This week in math, we will...
- Solve shape riddles for two-dimensional shapes.
- Identify, sort and graph two-dimensional shapes.
- Solve addition and subtraction equations within 20. We will use 5 and 10 as landmark (friendly) numbers.
- Have some fun with a Valentine's Day graphing activity.
In social studies this week, the students will learn about the United States. We will be focusing on Our Country, symbols, and past presidents throughout the rest of the month of February.
THANK YOU in advance to all of the families that will be donating items for our Valentine's Party. The kids are looking forward to the party on Friday!
Special Points of Interest
- February 10- Thorson's 50th Birthday Celebration/PTO Meeting (7:00 pm)
- February 14- Valentine's Day Activities/Box Top Turn in Day- Please remember to have your child bring their Valentine Box and 23 Valentines to distribute to their friends!
- Scholastic book orders are due this Friday, February 14th. You can go online to order www.scholastic.com/bookclubs and type in the Online Code: JBVLX, or you can send the order form and money to school with your child.
- February 20- Parent-Teacher Conferences- I will contact you if I feel a conference is necessary. Conferences are optional but can be scheduled if you have a specific concern.
- February 21- No School- Professional Development
- February 28- Read Across America
- March 7- Winter Carnival
- March 9- PTO Meeting (7:00 pm)
- March 20- March 27- Spring Break
- March 30- School Resumes
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