March 20th-24th, 2023
We will be tapping maple trees in the school woods this Wednesday. It is very muddy and wet, please dress accordingly. Thank you!
This week in literacy, we will…
Decode and spell one-syllable words with the /oi/ vowel team.
Read irregularly spelled words (four, any, better, only).
Identify the elements of a sentence and review the use of question marks.
Read and write words with the suffixes -ful and -less.
Read a poem titled, Jack-in-the-box. We will review vowel teams and contractions.
Read Zip, Zip, Zip, by Andrea Young. We will talk about important information in the book. We will also recognize beginning consonant clusters and compound words.
Write a response to reading.
Participate in Heggerty Phonemic Awareness Lessons.
This week in writing, we will…
Finish our non-fiction books
Make covers for our non-fiction books
Share a “published” non-fiction book with a small group
This week in math, we will….
Use Emperor Penguins and Little Blue Penguins to do the following
Compare pairs of 2-digit numbers
Add with sums to 100
Explain the reasoning behind a strategy used to add with sums to 100
Express the length of an object as a whole number of units
Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them
Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others
This week in social studies, we will…
Continue learning about symbols of the United States
Learn about the states that border Wisconsin and the countries that border the United States
Work together with our classmates to locate different states in the United States
Important Dates to Remember!
March 21- Down Syndrome Awareness Day (Wear colorful socks)
March 24- No School- Professional Development Day
March 27- April 2- Spring Break
April 3- Brewers Home Opener (wear MLB gear)
April 6- End of 3rd Quarter
April 7- No School
April 10- No School (Professional Development Day)