Saturday, May 18, 2024

May 20th Newsletter


May 20th, 2024

This week in literacy, we will…

  • Review sound-spellings for ou, ow, au, and aw

  • Read irregularly spelled words (our, about, done, were).

  • Read a poem titled, Little Raindrops. We will review contractions, compound words and reading with expression. 

  • Read a book titled, Squawk, by Nicole Walker. We will infer reasons for the main character's actions and feelings. We will also understand big ideas or messages of the story. 

  • Participate in Heggerty Phonemic Awareness lessons.  

This week in writing, we will…

  • Continue our From Scenes to Series writing unit

  • Share our first story with a partner to celebrate the hard work we’ve done!

  • Zoom in on our characters and include a lot of descriptive words to tell what the characters are doing

  • Include tiny, realistic details in our writing by including adjectives and verbs

This week in math, we will….

  • Practice coding in our number corner book with TAD the frog. 

  • Start making our paper gliders and recording our flights

  • Use fractions such as ⅓ and ½ to help fold our paper gliders

  • Compare our glider flights measurements

  • Using number clues  to color codes to reveal a secret picture! 

This week in science we will….          

  • Continue our Life Cycles unit

  • Learn about amphibians, insects and spiders

Important Dates to Remember!

  • May 23 - Papke/Majinski to Riveredge

  • May 24 - Roberts/Staffaroni to Riveredge

  • May 27 - No school

  • June 4 - Betty Brinn Field Trip

  • June 5 - Last day of school! 

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