April 25, 2022
This week in literacy, we will…
Learn that some words mean the same thing, they are called synonyms
Develop categorical thinking by exploring relationships between words. We will learn that some words go together because they are the same in some way
Read a poem titled, My Big Balloon. We will generate synonyms for the word big.
Read a book The Big Mix Up, by Nicole Walker. When reading, we will make personal connections to the text, infer the characters' feelings, and tell important events from the story. We will also recognize plurals and contractions
Discuss a problem in a story and give opinions on how characters could act during Community Writing time
Participate in Heggerty Phonemic Awareness lessons
In Writing this week, we will…
Begin our Narrative Writing Unit
Understand how to write a realistic book
Create a storyline by establishing a character, a setting, and a real problem the character may face
Understand how to wrap up our story by creating satisfying endings
Choose special and fancy words to add excitement in our story
Evaluate our story to make sure it has all of the important elements
In math this week, we will…
Read and Learn about Hansel and Gretal
Count to 120, staring at any number less than 120
Count by 10s to 100
Group and count objects by 10s
Demonstrate an understanding that the digits in a 2-digit number represent amounts of tens and ones
Add with sums to 100
Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others
Look for and make use of structure
In Social Studies this week, we will continue to learn about Canada. We will…
Learn about totem poles, read a book about totem poles, and even create our own totem pole!
Learn about animals found in Canada including: seals, moose, and beavers
Important Dates to Remember!
April 25 - School Board Meeting
May 4 - ABC countdown begins
May 4 - Majinski/Papke Riveredge Field Trip please dress accordingly