Friday, November 4, 2022

November 7-11 Newsletter


 This week in literacy, we will...

  • Blend sounds to produce words with s-blends.
  • Read and write words with final blends.
  • Read irregularly spelled words (call, from, which, very).
  • Read a story titled Snail's Big Adventure by David Earl. While reading, we will recognize and use -ed and -ing endings. We will also infer the meaning of events from a snail's perspective, infer reasons for Snail's feelings and notice the author's word choice. 
  • Identify the elements of a sentence.
  • Understand and use quotation marks.
  • Read a poem titled, "A Snail". We will notice quotation marks in the poem, highlight words with s-blends and discuss the meaning of unknown words. 
  • Participate in Heggerty Phonemic Awareness lessons.

This week in writing, we will...

  • Continue working on opinion writing.

  • Read the book "The Day the Crayons Quit

  • Write a persuasive letter to one of the crayons telling them why we think they are important so they don’t quit - be sure to look for these projects in the hallway during parent/teacher conferences!

This week in math, we will...

  • Learn 2 new workplaces called “Doubles Plus or Minus One” and “Tower Race”

  • Use number racks to solve addition and subtraction story problems.

  • Continue November Number Corner workouts of whole, halves, and fourths, and continue to collect hours each day on digital and analog clocks.

This week in social studies, we will...

  • Begin a new unit about Neighborhoods.

  • Learn about different types of homes and how each home is different.

  • Listen to the book A House is a House for Me and think about different homes that animals have.

  • Learn about maps and begin creating a map of our classroom, bedroom, or house.

Questions to ask your child:

  • Who was our Pawsitive Jaguar of the week? (Alex)
  • Who's birthday did we celebrate this week? (Charlie)

Reminders and Upcoming Events:

  • Nov. 8- Forest Stewardship Day (12:30-1:00) Dress for the weather!
  • Nov. 17- Parent-Teacher Conferences (4:00-7:30)
  • Nov. 21- Parent-Teacher Conferences (4:00-7:30)
  • Nov. 23-25- No School (Thanksgiving Break)
  • Dec. 6- Holiday Concert (6:00-7:00)
  • Dec. 9- No School (Professional Development Day)

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