May 1-5, 2023
This week in literacy, we will…
Distinguish long e and short e vowel sounds.
Know vowel team sound-spellings for long e (y, ey and ie).
Read irregularly spelled words (also, myself, off and seven).
Read The Creaky House by Betty Riggs during shared reading. While reading, we will notice words that represent sound (creaked, ticked, honked), hear initial consonant blends, and notice word endings (-ed and -ing). After reading, we will discuss the setting and why it is important, and infer a "lesson" from the story.
Read a poem titled, Four Seasons. We will use this poem to learn about adjectives and words with the long e sound-spelling (y).
Sort words by categories and attributes.
Participate in Heggerty Phonemic Awareness lessons.
This week in writing, we will…
Start a new unit on poetry
Learn about what poetry is and why it’s important
Write poems using our senses
This week in math, we will….
Take the Unit 7 test
Determine the value of a collection of coins
Count quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies
Learn about money in the game “Two turns to win”
Read a graph involving money
Learn about trading money ex: I can use a dime or two nickles
This week in social studies, we will…
Explore different holidays and why they are important.
Explain why we celebrate different holidays in our country.
Engage in conversations about important people and events.
Write an invitation to a holiday celebration, explaining why and how the holiday is celebrated.
Important Dates to Remember!
May 8 - Crazy Sock Day
May 12 - Glow Day - Wear White!
May 12 - Early Release Day - Students will be dismissed at 1:45pm
May 15 - Hat Day
May 16 - Interesting Fact Day - Bring an interesting fact to school to share with your classmates!
May 16 - Field Trip to Riveredge - Dress for the weather!