Dear Parents and Guardians,
This week we will be working with more blends, or as we call them "letters that go together." Our students have been learning to hear those consonants that blend together at the beginning of many words, like: star, flame, climb, and snap.
This week we will begin to wrap up our work with the narratives we are working on. We started the piece with oral storytelling to a partner, moved to illustrating a story board to guide our writing and then began our writing. This week and into next week we'll focus on editing and publishing by giving our narratives a title and a cover, like a real book!
We will also be writing letters to Santa! We will be mailing them off to the North Pole and hope to get a response by winter break.
We will also be writing letters to Santa! We will be mailing them off to the North Pole and hope to get a response by winter break.
This week we will also be circling back to the topic of friendship. We'll be reading some stories and discussing how to be a good friend. If you can find a few minutes to have a conversation with your son or daughter about kindness and respect for others it would be much appreciated. Your support really helps strengthen these concepts.
This week in math...
- Play a game called Fifty or Bust! While playing this game, students will group and count objects by 10 to understand that 10 can be thought of as a bundle of 10 ones, called a ten.
- Write addition expressions to match Unifix cube trains. We will examine the trains and expressions to find equivalent expressions.
- Compare pairs of Unifix cube trains and notice how many cubes the two trains have in common. The extra cubes on one train will be the viewed as the difference between the two trains. We will write subtraction equations to show the difference.
- Divide brownies into halves and fourths as we continue working with fractions. Yum!
- Continue working on telling time to the hour.
We will continue working on our Communities unit in Social Studies. We will discuss how people work together to make their communities a good place to live. We will also work with reading and making maps of our classroom, home and neighborhood.
Please label your child's winter gear! There are a lot of mittens and hats making their way to the Lost and Found already!
Special Points of Interest
- November 21- Parent-Teacher Conferences
- November 25- Parent-Teacher Conferences
- November 21-26- Book Fair
- November 27-29- Thanksgiving Break-No School
- December 9- PTO Meeting (7:00 pm)
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