Monday, November 25, 2019

November 25th Newsletter

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

As you might be writing letters to Santa or working on gift lists with your children, I wanted to let you know that during this short week we are working on "letters that go with r," otherwise known as blends.  While we do want children to listen for sounds and write what they hear, if your child isn't hearing those blends at the beginning or words (such as truck, pretty, crib, freeze)  it would be great if you could help them stretch the word by saying it really slowly.  We are really focusing on getting both those sounds into our words.  Remember, it isn't necessary to spell the word correctly but those beginning sounds are really important right now!  We will also learn about syllables and identify syllables in one and two syllable words. We will look at the syllables in a word to read it. We will also say and clap the syllables to notice them in words.

This week in Math, we will...
  • Make trains of unifix cubes and compare the quantities verbally and by writing the inequality symbols < or >.
  • Express the difference between quantities by writing subtraction equations. 
**There will be no math homework this week. Enjoy time with your family and friends over the Thanksgiving Holiday!

We will be finishing our communities social studies unit this week.  The children will be learning about maps and creating a make-believe community.

Reminders and Upcoming Events:
  • November 25- Parent-Teacher Conferences 
  • November 25 & 26- Book Fair
  • November 27-29- Thanksgiving Break- No School
  • December 2-13- Kapko Kids 2 Kids Toy Drive
  • December 6- Student Council Buy an Ornament Day ($1.00)- donations go to Kapko Toy Drive
  • December 9- PTO Meeting (7:00 pm)
  • December 12- Student Council Hat or Stuffed Animal Day ($1.00)- donations go to Kapko Toy Drive
  • December 23-January 1- Winter Break

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