Welcome to second quarter! It's so exciting to reflect on the growth of our class from the beginning of the year to now! In just a little over two months our students are thinking about what would make sense when they are stuck on an unfamiliar word, and then they cross-check that with the letters on the page to make sure it looks right too. Just to be sure, they know how to "slow check" the word by running their finger slowly under the letters of the word to see if the letters match the sounds they make as they slowly say the word. This strategy also works great in writing too!
In writing, we are working on finishing up our small moment stories and this week we'll be doing a study of punctuation. We've learned a lot about how writers write about what they know, and so we've worked on writing about small moments from our lives. We take one small moment and write lots about it. We write about what happened, how we felt and what we thought. Many of us are remembering to punctuate some of our sentences already, and hopefully we'll get closer to punctuating every sentence soon!
This week in Math, we will...
- Build our knowledge of doubles and near doubles facts using number racks.
- Learn that even numbers can be arranged as equal halves. We will identify whether numbers are odd or even.
- Solve addition and subtraction story problems using number racks.
- Make combinations of numbers through 10. The children will have the opportunity to practice decomposing numbers while playing a new game in Math Workplaces called "Tower Race".
- Practice adding with sums to 20 by playing a new game in Math Workplaces called "Doubles Plus or Minus One".
- Explore wholes, halves and fourths.
- Learn about parts of a clock, discuss the numerals on the clock and their meaning and compare an analog clock to a linear timeline.
- Identify a variety of patterns on our Calendar Grid Markers during Number Corner.
Please sign up for parent-teacher conferences if you haven't done so already. Also, if you need an alternative date/time, please don't hesitate to ask!
Special Points of Interest
- November 11-15- Stuff the Bus Food Drive
- November 11- Veterans Day Program, PTO Meeting
- November 13- Dining for Dollars-Brandywine
- If you aren't able to make it to the Book Fair at school, I plan on placing a Scholastic Book Order on November 15th. Shop Online: scholastic.com/readingclub Class Activation Code: JBVLX
- November 21- Parent-Teacher Conferences
- November 25- Parent-Teacher Conferences
- November 21-26- Book Fair
- November 27-29- Thanksgiving Break-No School
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