Monday, October 26, 2015

October 26th Newsletter

Dear Parents and Guardians,

This week in reading we will concentrate on retelling and summarizing stories in order to check for comprehension.  Your child will be asked to identify characters and settings in a story.  We have been working on identifying nouns in sentences and we will also learn about plural nouns this week.  We will continue to work on writing in complete sentences.  Our chunk of the week this week is –ed  as in bed.

We will be starting a new unit in math.  The Unit 3 parent letter was sent home last week with information about this new unit.  This week we will be working on pattering skills, odd and even numbers, and reviewing basic number line concepts.  Your child should be able to add and subtract using a number line.  Look for Home Links 3.2, 3.3, and 3.4.  Ask your child to sing the “Doubles” song we’ve been learning, too!

This week we will be learning about fire prevention.  We will also be starting a new social studies unit on communities.  Look for a parent letter to come home today with a volunteer opportunity that goes along with our new social studies unit!

THANK YOU in advance to everyone who will be donating items or volunteering to help at the party this Friday.  The kids are already looking forward to it!

Special Points of Interest
  • Remember to bring in your pumpkin for Pumpkin Days!
  • Halloween parties will be on Friday afternoon, please send your child's costume in a bag.  The children will be changing right before the party.
  • No school next Friday, November 6th.  It is teacher progress report writing day.
  • Have a Happy Halloween on Saturday, October 31st!

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