Monday, December 19, 2016

December 19th Newsletter

Brrrrrr!!!  What a chilly way to start the week!  Luckily we warmed up with good books and hot chocolate!  Today we shared some of our favorite book recommendations with Mrs. McCalmont's class while we enjoyed some hot chocolate!  

Last week we worked on book recommendations, and now we're focusing on toy recommendations!  We started our first one today and we will learn how to include what we like about the toy, how to write an interesting beginning and we'll focus on punctuation and capitalization.  We are having lots of fun as we think about our opinions! 

We will be watching a movie and having our Holiday party on Thursday.  The kids are so excited!  Again, thank you to all of the generous parents who are donating food or items for our party!  I greatly appreciate it!

I hope you have a wonderful winter break and a Happy New Year!  Enjoy spending time with your family!

See you in 2017!

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