Saturday, May 11, 2024

May 13th Newsletter


May 13th, 2024

This week in literacy, we will…

  • Continue working on reading and spelling words with the long e sound spelled with y, ey, and ie.

  • Read and write multisyllabic words.

  • Read irregularly spelled words (was, come, want, many). USE WORDS THAT MEET THE NEEDS OF YOUR STUDENTS

  • Read a poem titled, The Donkey. We will find words will ey and y spelling patterns.

  • Read a book titled, Snail's Big Adventure, by David Earl. We will infer the meaning of events from a snail's perspective.  We will also recognize words with -ed and -ing endings.

  • Participate in Heggerty Phonemic Awareness lessons. 

This week in writing, we will…

  • Continue our From Scenes to Series writing unit

  • Work on including dialogue and action in our writing by unfreezing people and making them move and talk

  • Revise our writing to make it even better!

This week in math, we will….

  • Play with the change box and determine patterns that are happening when a number goes in the box and a new number comes out!

  • Practice coding in our number corner book with TAD the frog. 

  • Start making our paper gliders and recording our flights

  • Use fractions such as ⅓ and ½ to help fold our paper gliders

This week in science we will….

  • Continue our Life Cycles unit
  • Learn about fish, reptiles, birds and mammals.

Important Dates to Remember!

  • May 13-17- Penny Wars

  • May 16 - Mismatch Day

  • May 17 - Neon Day

  • May 23 - Papke/Majinski to Riveredge

  • May 24 - Roberts/Staffaroni to Riveredge

  • May 27 - No school

  • June 4 - Betty Brinn Field Trip

  • June 5 - Last day of school!

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