Saturday, December 16, 2023

December 18th Newsletter


December 18th, 2023

This week in literacy, we will…

  • Distinguish long a and short a vowel sounds.

  • Know the vowel team for long a (ai, ay, and a_e).

  • Read irregularly spelled words (away, one, doesn't something).

  • Read compound words.

  • Review the use of different punctuation marks.

  • Read a poem titled, Peppermint Stick. We will identify rhyming words in the poem.

  • Read a book titled, The Big Mix-Up, by Nicole Walker. We will talk about the events of the story and infer the feelings of the characters. Additionally, we will make connections between personal experiences and the text. 

  • Participate in Heggerty Phonemic Awareness Lessons.

This week in writing, we will…

  • Finish our unit on opinion and book reviews

  • Work on our Handwriting Without Tears journals

This week in math, we will….

  • Represent addition and subtraction on a number line

  • Recognize and extend number patterns

  • Order numerals to 120

  • Demonstrate an understanding that multiples of 10 from 10 to 90 refer to some number of tens and 0 ones

  • Mentally find the number that is 10 more or 10 less than a given 2-digit number, without counting

  • Play “Frog Races” and “Hit the Pad”

This week in social studies we will….

  • Learn about our community in the world

  • Learn what continent, country, and state we live in

  • Compare and learn about rural, suburban and urban areas

Important Dates to Remember!

  • December 22 - Holiday Parties 

  • December 23-January 1 - Winter Break!

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